Leuprolide Acetate Injection

Leuprolide Acetate Injection

Product Details:


Leuprolide Acetate Injection Price and Quantity

  • 100000 Piece
  • 9500 INR

Leuprolide Acetate Injection Trade Information

  • Cash in Advance (CID) Cash Advance (CA)
  • 100000 Piece Per Week
  • 1 Week
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  • All India

Product Description

Prostate cancer, endometriosis, and a few gynaecological problems are among the conditions that leuprolide acetate injection is used to treat with hormone treatment. It is a synthetic version of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which occurs naturally. Leuprolide decreases the production of testosterone in males and oestrogen in females by first increasing the release of sex hormones and then desensitising the pituitary gland. This hormone suppression can lessen the symptoms of some illnesses and help hormone-dependent tumours grow more slowly. Depending on the precise indication and formulation, leuprolide acetate injection is given subcutaneously or intramuscularly.


Due to its mode of action and therapeutic applications, leuprolide acetate injection has a number of qualities and advantages:

1. Leuprolide, a synthetic analogue of GnRH, helps regulate the release of sex hormones by suppressing hormone levels. It first stimulates the pituitary gland, increasing sex hormone production; after that, it desensitises the gland, causing sex hormone levels to steadily decline.

2. Treatment for prostate cancer: Leuprolide inhibits the production of testosterone, a hormone that encourages tumour growth, in men with advanced prostate cancer. This causes a reversal or halting of the progression of prostate cancer, offering palliative relief and possibly raising survival rates.

3. Management of endometriosis: Leuprolide is used to decrease oestrogen production in women with endometriosis. This reduces the size and activity of endometrial tissue outside the uterus and relieves symptoms including pelvic discomfort and infertility.

4. Treatment for uterine fibroids: Leuprolide helps decrease uterine fibroids in women who have them by lowering oestrogen levels, which eases symptoms including heavy menstrual bleeding and pelvic pressure.

5. Leuprolide is used to treat precocious puberty in children by preventing the early release of sex hormones, which delays the onset of sexual development.

6. Fertility preservation: Leuprolide can be used to temporarily shut down ovarian function in situations requiring chemotherapy or radiation therapy, helping to protect the ovaries and preserve fertility.

7. Practical administration: Patients have a practical and well-tolerated therapy option with leuprolide acetate injection, which is delivered via subcutaneous or intramuscular methods.

8. Long-acting formulations: Some Leuprolide Acetate Injection formulations have the ability to release medication over a longer period of time, which reduces the number of injections required and increases patient compliance and convenience.

9. Effects that can be reversed: Leuprolide normally has reversible hormonal effects after therapy is stopped, giving flexibility in how long to take it.

Leuprolide Acetate Injection provides a lot of advantages, but it can also cause hot flashes, exhaustion, loss of bone density, and mood swings. To manage potential side effects and enhance the effectiveness of the therapeutic process, healthcare practitioners should regularly monitor patients throughout the course of their therapy.


Leuprolide acetate injection applications:

1. Leuprolide is used to treat advanced prostate cancer because it decreases the synthesis of testosterone, which can inhibit the growth of tumours that respond to hormones.

2. Endometriosis: Leuprolide is used to treat endometriosis in female patients by lowering oestrogen levels, which causes the endometrial tissue outside the uterus to contract and relieves pain and other symptoms.

3. Leuprolide is used to treat uterine fibroids by lowering oestrogen levels, which can help the fibroids shrink and lessen symptoms including painful periods and pelvic pressure.

4. Precocious Puberty: Leuprolide is used to delay puberty in children who have precocious puberty (early onset of sexual development) by preventing the release of sex hormones before the appropriate time.

5. Leuprolide can temporarily shut down ovarian function during some fertility therapies, such as in vitro fertilisation (IVF), allowing for better control of ovulation throughout the treatment procedure.

Leuprolide acetate Injection Side Effects:


  • A hot flash
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Loss of bone density (osteoporosis) with continued use
  • Mood changes
  • Reduced libido
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Reactions at the injection site (redness, puffiness, or discomfort)
These negative effects aren't universally felt, and each person may feel them to varying degrees of intensity. Before commencing Leuprolide Acetate Injection, patients should talk to their doctor about any potential adverse effects. To control any adverse reactions and improve treatment outcomes, regular monitoring and discussion with the medical staff are crucial.



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